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Writer's pictureRED SEA PROJECT™

Abu el-Kizan / Daedalus

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

Abu el-Kizan / Daedalus Abu Kazan or Daedalus Reef is an isolated coral off-shore reef in the middle of the Red Sea. Situated around 52 Nautical Miles from Marsa Alam City; desolate. This tiny island has got a manned lighthouse. This light station is one of a series established by the French to safeguard navigation in the Red Sea after the opening of the Suez Canal.

The lighthouse is still in use because the island is in the middle of the shipping route. Rising up towards the surface from great depths around 450m, the reef is roughly circular, with a small plateau at its southern end.

The reef is richly developed with good coral growth from the surface to the depths. Hard and soft coral species are both well represented. Fish life is as dense as you would expect on an isolated reef pinnacle, with the usual reef species complemented by large concentrations of schooling species, such as snapper, longnose unicornfish and a variety of surgeonfish.

Abu El Kizan Reef is almost 1070m long and 300 width and it provides enough shelter to safely moor boats at the southern near the light house piers. Photo. Ahmed Fouad© 2018

There is a high chance to spot lots of sharks and charismatic mega fauna of the open sea such as schooling of hammerheads, manta and all kind of other sharks. Very soon we'll be introducing you to each spices of them and more details and tips for diving activities but this time we want to spot the lights on this beautiful lighthouse and the out of water panorama.

Just another sunset from the lighthouse station- Photo. Ahmed Fouad© 2018

157 years old Technical chart of the Lighthouse. ©

The Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety (EAFMS)

1931 (station established 1863). Active; focal plane 30 m (98 ft); three white flashes, in a 1+2 pattern, every 12 seconds. 30 meters round stone tower with lantern and gallery, rising from a 2-story crew quarters complex. Tower painted with black and white horizontal bands.

The present lighthouse, refurbished in 1993, is staffed by personals from The Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety (EAFMS), ex-Ports and Lighthouses Administration (PLA) and Egyptian Navy.  Daedalus Reef, a very popular stop for scuba divers, and it's part of the Egypt's Red Sea Marine Park. Sometimes we're allowed to climb the tower. If you ever get the chance to do so don't think twice.

Author and Pictures © : Ahmed Fouad


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